20 Feb

“Diversity and inclusion are about giving value to every human being, no matter our differences.” - Author Unknown 

When you look at a movie or a news report for instance, do you always see a variety of different people who are in it, or are you seeing more of one group over the other? Are minority groups being represented? Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren’t, and instead are not given opportunities. There isn’t much diversity in the media sometimes.

It helps people feel connected, known, and represented when they see someone like them on their screen. We can’t limit the diversity of people we see, we need to have many different people there and have equal opportunities for all.

Sometimes important issues are not brought to light because people who know of it and have the capability to spread the word may choose to be ignorant of it based on who it is impacting, and others won’t know about it because no one is informing them about it and they aren’t aware of it happening. Then, the people being impacted by the situation may not be able to get the help they need. They might also be only letting people on one perspective of an issue get heard and that limits the knowledge that we have access to, which can make our opinions and decisions biased.

People may feel that they don’t have anyone to look up to because they don’t see themselves being represented. Feelings of not being accepted into society can also arise because they think that since they aren’t being accepted in the media, they also aren’t being accepted by others. They feel that they can’t relate to people in films.

This issue sometimes also comes up in other bigger issues such as racism, in the term “ whitewashing”. Whitewashing is when in movies, non-white positions are filled by white actors. These actors may portray the characters in a stereotypical way, and can be racist while portraying them. They may even put on blackface or yellowface. Such details can be subtle or they can be very noticeable. People watching may feel that their own character isn’t correct and that they have to act like how they were portrayed. These characters shape who we are and who we could be in the future. This is extremely important for kids, as they can feel lost when they can’t seem to relate to anyone on screen. No one deserves to feel left out.

Another problem is when the same people are repeatedly put into roles that paint them as the villains, or as someone who isn’t very good. This gives others the message that they aren’t good as everyone else. Children can feel disheartened when they keep seeing that.

As someone who is part of a minority group, I must say that I feel very happy when I see someone like me in the media, and if we are being shown in a respectful, correct manner. It hurts me when people are portrayed inaccurately on the media, as it can spread harmful stereotypes about them. This can impact them negatively as for example, they might have a harder time getting a job or holding onto it, or people might act strange or be rude to them.

Although you have now read my words on how everyone should be represented, I’m not saying that one should solely hire or shed a light on voices of people of minority groups or the underrepresented. I’m trying to convey the message that there should be a balance of people in the media, and that it should be as diverse as can be. Everyone should be represented and acknowledged, never repressed because of privileges they don’t have.

“Diversity is having a seat at the table. Inclusion is having a voice. And belonging is having that voice be heard.” -Liz Fosslien

Written by A.Chen

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