Express Yourself To Call For Justice

                               I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody. - Lily Tomlin      

About Us  image
We are a non-profit initiative that places a spotlight on current World Issues and focuses on making a difference through photographs, artworks, blog posts, and literary pieces. We want to give a voice and a space for those passionate about improving the world! We encourage you to submit your works that place attention on important subjects.  Express your creativity and simultaneously take a small step in making the world a better place.  

Read more in our blog article, titled "Introducing SAST." 
Our main mission is to raise attention about social issues and educate people about how they can help out. Do you want to contribute? You can do so in a number of ways:

  • Submit your literary piece 
  • Will be found in the Social Activism Starts Today (SAST) magazine
  • Submit an art piece
  • Submit a photograph
  • Submit a blog post

Email us at with your piece, name, bio and contact information (contact info is optional). Bio must include your name & state/province/country. Please respect the 50 word maximum.

Join our executive team - more information coming soon! 
Yes! Everyone is welcome to apply! There is no age limit. We have no age limit because we want to include and emphasize the voices of the youth, who are our present and the future.  
No. SAST is solely focused on raising attention on current issues and giving people a voice. There is no submission fee as we want everyone to contribute! Together we can truly make a difference! 
No, unfortunately, we cannot pay you.   
Of course! We want to spread your message, and give you the recognition you deserve! Please don't hesitate to submit any of your works!

*However, make sure this is okay with wherever you have previously submitted your work! 
As many times as you'd like! We look forward to all your submissions! 
The Voice of Democracy is Calling Republicans’ Names…

I hope the Republicans were listening as the voice of our democracy is calling their name…

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What Being A High Schooler in 2021 really looks like

Due to COVID-19, my school completely shut down, leaving us students confused as to when we would see our doors open again.

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Is Fast Fashion Destroying Our Environment?

To summarize all that I’ve said, please don’t buy those clothes, it’s simply not worth the cost.

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Where was Republican Kevin McCarthy on January 6th? Where is he going today?

I thought about the times I have feared for my personal safety over the course of my lifetime and recall praying to my mom or even bargaining with Jesus for my safety. We will promise anything and everything for our safe keeping or those of the people we love during threatening times.

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Why We Need To Raise More Awareness Of Mental Illness…

I’m going to explain in this post why I think it’s urgent that we raise more mental illness awareness.

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Stereotypes: We’re all affected by them

Although we don’t realize it, many of our current social issues are correlated with unfair stereotypes.

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A new administration? Music to my ears…

A new day. A new administration. I was seeing the world and our country in a new and beautiful light.

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Have We Made American Great Again?

The coziness and quaintness of our living room faded like my hope. Sedition. Insurrection. Violence. Intimidation. Death. The United States Capitol. January 6, 2021.

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Introducing SAST

Social Activism Starts Today is an initiative that depicts social injustices of our time through the expression of creativity.

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{Please don't input your phone number; that is not necessary - the site is just built that way to include the option of a phone number, but we will not ever need it, as we will only contact you by email. Thank you for understanding!}